Mental Health

24 01, 2025

Supporting Someone Who is Suicidal: You Don’t Need an ‘Ology’

Supporting someone who is experiencing suicidal thoughts does not require a professional qualification or an 'ology.' While mental health professionals play a crucial role in providing specialized care, it is essential to recognize that not all suicidal thoughts stem from mental illness. Life can sometimes overwhelm us, leading to feelings of despair. In these [...]

Supporting Someone Who is Suicidal: You Don’t Need an ‘Ology’
26 08, 2024

Why Mental Health First Aid in the Workplace?

The financial burden on employers due to employees’ poor mental health is increasing. It is estimated that the UK loses £5 billion annually. Mental health significantly affects workplace productivity. A reduced focus and efficiency. Depression, anxiety or stress can all reduce an employee’s performance. The ability to concentrate, make decisions and perform tasks efficiently [...]

Why Mental Health First Aid in the Workplace?
30 01, 2023

Why do we need Mental Health First Aid in the Workplace Training?

Poor mental health results in many days lost to absenteeism or employees not being as productive as they otherwise would. Britain loses 5 billion pounds to this each year according to the Health and Safety Executive. Follow this link to the workbook they have produced to assist employers in tackling workplace stress. The Health [...]

Why do we need Mental Health First Aid in the Workplace Training?
9 01, 2023

The Winter of our Discontent – Mental Health

Well, what a few years we have had! Pandemic, invasion of Ukraine, death of a monarch, recession, public sector strikes, the NHS stretched to beyond capacity and a cost-of-living crisis to top it off. Is it any wonder that the mental health of the nation is reaching an all-time low? At TLCT we offer [...]

The Winter of our Discontent – Mental Health
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